Sunday, July 26, 2015

Week 4 notice

Hello families,

Here is the weekly update for Week 4.

Please also keep in mind that we are schedule to have swimming on Wednesday. We kindly ask that students wear their swimming suits to church. Please also remember to pack:
  • sunscreen
  • towel
  • extra clothes with underwear
It would help us greatly if everything was labeled. 

Thank you so much!

Sunday, July 19, 2015

End of Week 2!

Hello Parents and Guardians of Pre-K4!

Today officially marks the end of week two of our summer school! The days are going by faster than I expected and I wish it would slow down a little bit!

Here is the third week's schedule for those of you who haven't received the hard copy version(which is sent home every Thursday and can be found in your child's folder).

Now for the photos:

Outdoor Playground:

Kid's Play:

Hope you are looking forward to week 3! 
See you soon!